Monday, September 28, 2015

Welcome to the Shoppe

Welcome to the Wizard's Brewery.
A collection of the finest assortment of home crafted, personally brewed custom rules anywhere in the aetherwebs.

I've played role playing games of various types for more than 25 years. Everything from AD&D to GURPS and from World of Darkness to Car Wars. As a player I, inevitably, became the individual that wanted to do something with my character at or beyond the edges of the rules. This rarely pleased the Game Masters and, ultimately, has led to me normally being the one to run games I'm involved in. As a Game Master I encourage the weird and strange. When you play a game of the mind we don't need roads, we simply create them.
Like most gamers, I find myself playing a balancing act between enough rules structure everyone knows exactly what a rule does and enough narrative freedom that the table isn't limited to pushing buttons. That tension between "hard rule sets that can't breathe" and "squishy rule sets that do whatever the GM feels like today" is difficult to navigate, and often requires game masters to shore up the squishy and knock out the walls in the hard. Something I've spent far more time on away from the gaming table than I should probably admit to.
For many years, these collected house rules simply sat in binders. Imposed on campaigns to shift the flavor or made available to players as options as the situation called for. With the proliferation of the internet, I've decided I might as well set some of my creations free and, if people stumble across them, perhaps they'll find some use at other's gaming tables.

Welcome to the Shoppe, let me know if you see anything you like or want help finding something you need!


Sub Rosa- Literally, "under the rose." The rose has been a sign of silence or secrecy since Greek and Roman times, relating to various mythological associations and mis-associations (read more). The format I've pretty much settled on is that I'll post some rules then, if I haven't put a break in because they're too long, I'll put the break. Either way, the rules will be followed by some commentary on how/why I created them, something I think is interesting (or annoying) about game design, or some other (theoretically related) commentary on games and gaming. This could be a few lines or a few pages, depending on how I get going. Either way, if you find it interesting it'll be there and if not, well, should not speak of that said and done under the rose...

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